Tuesday 5 April 2011

My First Blog

Well hello to the land of Blogging.

 Let me Introduce myself, I am Liza moran and I am 49years old and I have Mesothelioma.  That means I have a deadly disease caused by breathing a fibre of Asbestos dust whe I was a child and my family did a home renovation. Some 20-30 years of a time bomb laying in the chest lining the bomb ignigted and now I am on a journey I have not chosen.

 I was diagnosed in February 2002 when my Daughter Hannah was only 7months old.  The time bomb was set and the roller coaster ride began. My prognosis was not great 9-18months to live and that is if I opted for some radical Photodynamic surgery that may extend my life to 18months.

I am now 9 years down the track  "AND I AM NOT DEAD YET"  Sounds a tad harsh but thats what my Oncologist would greet me with everytime I had an appointment with him. "Hey look at you" he would say then follow it with "Your not Dead yet"  First time he said it I was punch drunk but after that I started to think yep "I am not dead yet".  Mind you I could have saved money on the consultation because he wasn't telling me anything new.  I was hospitalised with suspected pleural pneumonia where the fluid had pocketed in my right lung and they had to do Keyhole surgery, I had the forboding feeling, I asked the Respiratory  specialist "is there something more sinister at work here"  He answered "if it looks like a duck, and it quacks like a duck then its a duck".  MMmmm post the surgery when  was sitting up in Intensive care feeling remarkably well (breathing more easily with the fluid drained) I looked around and realised I was in a room of my own with a tv and lots of dr nurse attention.   Quack Quack Quack the mind started thinking this is all a bit much....the surgeon visits and sits down ..he says "when we went in we found some nodes"  I said "its not a Duck its cancer isn't it" could have saved myself some more money here.  He said yes and we did a biopsy we won't know for a few days what we are dealing with but it is most likely secondary Breast cancer.  Now thats not the best way to start a day.

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